If you aren’t a dues paying member and are interested in joining Shelby County RTL, we would love for you to join! The annual $25 membership dues may be submitted at any meeting. Even if you can’t submit membership at this time, we would love for you to join us to find out additional ways that you can get involved in standing for life.

join-usAnnual dues are used to rent a facility for the annual Stand for Life Rally each January, to rent booths at fairs and festivals including the Delta Fair, to provide annual oratory contests for high school students, and for other life-affirming educational opportunities for the public. A portion of dues also go to support the state chapter of TN Right to Life.

Tennessee’s Human Life Protection Act (HLPA), which currently protects the unborn from abortion (an estimated 900 babies monthly), is under attack in our TN General Assembly; thus, we ought to contact our legislators with the following simple message: “I urge that you oppose all efforts to weaken the Human Life Protection Act.”  By emailing, phoning, or writing our state Senator and Representative, we Pro-Life voters will have done our part to defend the HLPA and safeguard our unborn brothers and sisters from abortion.

Read the HLPA text here

How to contact our state Senator and Representative

Visit www.capitol.tn.gov; scroll to the bottom of the page; click either ‘Senate Members’ or ‘House Members’; click on your legislator’s name for their contact info, including an email window.

Don’t know your state Senator or Representative

Visit www.capitol.tn.gov; scroll to the bottom of the page; click either ‘Senate Members’ or ‘House Members’; at top right corner, key in your address, click search and you’ll be given their names and email addresses.

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