Pro-Life supporters are invited to join in the upcoming Memphis 40 Days for Life 2024 fall campaign.

Recognizing that “with God, all things are possible,“ volunteers from September 25 to November 3 will join together in 40 Days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion, including standing vigil at Planned Parenthood, 2430 Poplar Ave, to give prayerful and peaceful witness to the Sanctity of Human Life.

Please see below for who you can contact to become involved in this proven and effective campaign to save lives here in Memphis. YOU can make a difference!

Contact or or call 901-205-9415

To learn more about the worldwide 40 Days for Life campaign, visit

Tennessee’s Human Life Protection Act (HLPA), which currently protects the unborn from abortion (an estimated 900 babies monthly), is under attack in our TN General Assembly; thus, we ought to contact our legislators with the following simple message: “I urge that you oppose all efforts to weaken the Human Life Protection Act.”  By emailing, phoning, or writing our state Senator and Representative, we Pro-Life voters will have done our part to defend the HLPA and safeguard our unborn brothers and sisters from abortion.

Read the HLPA text here

How to contact our state Senator and Representative

Visit; scroll to the bottom of the page; click either ‘Senate Members’ or ‘House Members’; click on your legislator’s name for their contact info, including an email window.

Don’t know your state Senator or Representative

Visit; scroll to the bottom of the page; click either ‘Senate Members’ or ‘House Members’; at top right corner, key in your address, click search and you’ll be given their names and email addresses.

Read more

Download the Flyer


Sixth Circuit Court Upholds Tennessee’s

Pro-Life Waiting Period Law

Cincinnati, August 5, 2021

Today, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled to reverse the Federal District Court and uphold Tennessee’s 48 hour waiting period. This ruling means that the waiting period will remain law and in effect in Tennessee.

This waiting period law was the first piece of legislation for which Tennessee Right to Life advocated after the passage of Amendment 1 in 2014. It has proven effective in allowing women to take the time they need to thoughtfully and prayerfully consider the graphic and emotionally damaging effects of an abortion.

“We thank the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals for hearing this case and for affirming the voice of Tennessee voters,” said Stacy Dunn, President of Tennessee Right to Life.

“We have felt all along that this was a common sense law that gave women time for thoughtful consideration to choose life and reduce coerced abortions. We are glad that view was upheld by the Sixth Circuit today,” said Dunn.

Tennessee Right to Life is Tennessee’s oldest and largest pro-life organization boasting a strong grassroots presence all across the state as well as a strong presence in the Tennessee General Assembly advocating for strong pro-life laws such as the 48-hour waiting period.

Link to court case history:

Congratulations to our winners!

First Place – Isabelle Saunder

Second Place – Brianna Duhart


Mark your calendars!  Life Choices of Memphis will be holding LifeWalk 2021 on Saturday, April 24th at the Memphis Zoo!  Start a team, join a team, register as an individual, or simply donate to this wonderful cause. It’s not even necessary to be there in person in order to participate. Any contribution to LifeWalk will make a difference in the life of a mom and her child in our city!
Find out more information about LifeWalk here: 
This is such a wonderful and fun event for a truly life affirming and life changing cause!  Be sure to check out the website for lots more info on the event!

Were you unable to attend Memphis Coalition for Life’s Bridge of Hope Drive-In evening?  You can now watch a replay of the event from the comfort of your home!  Simply click on the image below to replay the video.  It’s an amazing and inspiring message you won’t want to miss. Hear witness to the incredible lifesaving work that Memphis Coalition of Life brings to families and listen to the incredibly moving message from Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America. You don’t want to miss this message of hope!


Kristan Hawkins

Kristan Hawkins


Past Events



Our Fall vigil starts 9/23/20. The theme for this year’s fall 40 Days for Life prayer vigil is “Life Savers.” Anyone can save a life! You don’t have to have special training or qualifications. You just need to believe in the power of prayer and be passionate about helping women and babies in crisis, and the Lord can use YOU to save a life TODAY!

At the kickoff rally, you’ll hear from Campaign Leader Bethany Wade about the impact 40 Days for Life has had in our city. You’ll also learn more details about the location and safety protocols for the upcoming 40 Days campaign, and you’ll hear from Dr. Steve Hammond, MD, FACOG, and author of “The Christian and Abortion: A Nonnegotiable Stance”.  Dr. Hammond performed over 700 abortions, and is now a pro-life author who advocates for the pro-life cause!!

Seats are limited to 75 people, and RSVP is required. Reserve your ticket today! The event will take place in the fellowship hall at First Evangelical Church. Chairs will be spaced out in rows according to COVID-19 safety regulations, and we ask that everyone in attendance wears a mask.

Bethany Wade
Memphis – Leader

This year’s keynote speaker is Joyce McCauley-Benner, with Feminists for Life of America. Please join us for her amazing pro-life address! We are thankful to also hear from Senator Dolores R. Gresham (R-Somerville), as well as a courageous speaker who will give witness to her post-abortion healing. We are so blessed and excited to also be treated with a special presentation by Madonna Learning Center’s Celebration Troupe!

We hope you can join us!  Please help us spread the word and invite others you know to come hear these amazing speakers and join you in defending precious life.

Abortion ends the life of defenseless babies in the most barbaric fashion.

Their lives are taken with the support of many in our world and often with tax funding. Their only defense is you.

The largest 40 Days for Life campaign ever starts in 505 cities on September 25.

Going out to pray where abortions happen is the appropriate response to the most critical human rights issue in history.

In this powerful new video, you’ll see exactly what can happen when you answer the call to publicly and peacefully pray for an end to abortion this September 25 – November 3:

Through the power of your prayers, we’ve now seen:

  • 191 abortion workers quit their jobs and become pro-life
  • 104 abortion facilities close their doors and go out of business…FOREVER
  • 16,004 children spared from abortion

We could see the 200th abortion worker leave her job and become pro-life this fall. Will it be in your city?

Sign up to pray at the 40 Days for Life vigil closest to you and find out!




Saturday, October 12, 2019

9:00 A.M. – 3:30 P.M.


18 Springhouse Ln

Nashville, Tennessee







To all who participated in our protest of Planned Parenthood’s fundraiser,

Thank you so much for joining in the peaceful protest of Planned Parenthood’s fundraiser held at the Hilton Memphis on Thursday, September 12.

Planned Parenthood’s supporters viewed the following messages, which were on the hand-held signs of our protesters, who lined both sides of the Hilton driveway: Stop Abortion Now; Planned Parenthood harvests baby parts; Why kill when you can love?; Planned Parenthood separates children from their parents; Defund Planned Parenthood; and Need baby parts? Buy ’em from Planned Parenthood.

The German Lutheran pastor, theologian, and anti-Nazi, Deitrich Bonhoeffer, who was executed by the Nazi’s just weeks before the fall of Berlin wrote: “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”

Thanks again for participating in our protest, assuring that Mid-South pro-life supporters took advantage of the opportunity to publicly witness to our opposition to abortion at the Planned Parenthood fundraiser.


Kent Pruett, President

Shelby County Right to Life


2019 Oratory Contest Winners

(l-r) 1st – Zach Person, Kent Pruett, Shelby County Right To Life President, 2nd – Emmy Drzycimski, 3rd – Bri Jones, 4th – Emorie Ware

Shelby County Chapter, TN Right to Life supporters are invited and encouraged to join in the Memphis 40 Days for Life spring campaign to protect mothers and their unborn babies from the evils of abortion. Recognizing that “with God, all things are possible,” volunteers from March 6 through April 14 will join together in 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion, including standing vigil at Planned Parenthood, 2430 Poplar, to give prayerful and peaceful witness to the Sanctity of Human Life. To learn how you can become involved in this proven and effective campaign, visit or phone (662) 426-6161.

Click the image for more info.

Join us
Sunday January 20th, 2019
for the 43rd Annual Stand For Life Rally.

The memorial marks the 46th anniversary of the US Supreme Court’s infamous Roe vs. Wade decision of January 22, 1973. Participants will solemnly assemble in commemoration of the over 61 million innocent and defenseless unborn babies who have been aborted since the court legalized abortion-on-demand.

click the image below for a downloadable flyer.

Dear Shelby County Chapter supporter,

During this season of giving, I’m reaching out to our supporters to invite and encourage you to financially assist us in funding our 2019 educational projects.

Your contribution – whatever amount you can give – is needed and will support our pro-life projects:

The Stand for Life Rally held to memorialize the unborn aborted since the infamous Roe vs. Wade decision of January 22, 1973. The 43rd Stand for Life Rally is scheduled on Sunday, January 20, 2019, 1:30 pm, Madonna Learning Center, 7007 Poplar Ave., Germantown, TN 38138.

An Oratory Contest open to high school students and held during the spring. The chapter winner gets to compete at the state level and possibly advance to the national level.

Pro-Life Exhibit at the Delta Fair, featuring fetal models showing human development and providing pro-life literature at no cost for the hundreds of fair goers drawn to our booth.

Our only means of financial support comes from pro-life supporters like you. And, since we are an all-volunteer organization, you can be assured that your contribution only funds our pro-life projects.

Again, whatever dollar amount you can give is needed. To give a donation by check, please print out and complete this form.

Note, because we seek to pass pro-life legislation, contributions payable to Shelby County Chapter, TRL are not tax-deductible.

To give a donation which is deductible for tax purposes, please complete the same form and make your check payable to: Tennessee Right to Life Education Fund and mail to: Shelby County Chapter, TRL, P. O. Box 1451, Cordova, TN 38088.

To donate on line, please visit the following site and designate your contribution to “Shelby County Right to Life.”

Your contribution – whatever the amount – will make a difference and unite us as partners in upholding the sanctity of human life in the Memphis community.

Sincerely for Life,
Kent Pruett, President
Shelby County Chapter, TN Right to Life

Past Events

Help us spread the word – click here for a printable flyer!


Emily Kane (2nd place), first place winner Jordan Balton, and SCRTL President Kent Pruett

 Congratulations to our winner
and thanks to all who participated!

The 41st Annual
Stand For Life Rally

We solemnly mark the 44th anniversary of the US Supreme Court’s Roe vs. Wade decision legalizing abortion on-demand, and gather in commemoration of over 59 million innocent and defenseless unborn babies aborted since the Court’s decision.

January 22, 2017 – 1:30 PM

Madonna Learning Center

7007 Poplar Ave
Germantown, TN

Program Includes:

Keynote speaker Rev Dr. Francis Chiawa, Associate Pastor of Holy Rosary Church delivering
an address from Bishop Martin David Holley.

A mother giving witness to her post-abortion healing.

Speakers from area crisis pregnancy centers and Madonna Learning Center.

(Free Admission)

Phone (901) 692-3424 for additional information

41stClick image to download our flyer, help spread the word!

Join us at the Delta Fair!

Delta Fair 2016

Stop by the booth and meet our team. The fair runs through September 11th.

2016 Oratory Contest Winners


Timothy Kane, Kent Pruett (President, Shelby County RTL), Emily Kane, Jennifer Vesey (pictured left-right)


Congratulations to the 2016 Shelby County Right to Life Oratory Contest winners!  A wonderfully talented group of high school students participated in the contest this past Saturday with amazing messages for life!
Contest winners were:
1st place –  Jennifer Vesey
2nd place – Emily Kane
3rd place – Timothy Kane


Jennifer will advance to represent Shelby County in the state competition which will be held in early May.  Many thanks to each of the teens for their participation, outstanding performances, and for carrying the torch for precious life!


If you aren’t a dues paying member and are interested in joining Shelby County RTL, we would love for you to join! The annual $25 membership dues may be submitted at any meeting. Even if you can’t submit membership at this time, we would love for you to join us to find out additional ways that you can get involved in standing for life.

join-usAnnual dues are used to rent a facility for the annual Stand for Life Rally each January, to rent booths at fairs and festivals including the Delta Fair, to provide annual oratory contests for high school students, and for other life-affirming educational opportunities for the public. A portion of dues also go to support the state chapter of TN Right to Life.

We’re looking forward to an awesome 2016! 2016 meetings will be held in the meeting room at the Germantown Library. Mark your calendar for the first meeting which will be Wednesday, January 27th @6:30 p.m.

Sign up for email news alerts and updates.

Click here to visit Tennessee Right to Life